By sharing my own dreams and by talking about the dreams of others, this blog hopes to inspire you, the readers, to believe in your dream, big or small, a dream house, car, job, travel, business, charity, product, even the impossible dream.

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A dream product

What can be a dream product? Maybe it is something that can give you sweet dreams. I know that statement sounds corny, but it can be true. The Tiens Dream Bio-Energy Health Mattress has an unusual silent magnetic vibrations that exercise your body while you sleep. This could activate your body’s anti-aging, anti-cancer water molecules, revitalize your kidney functions and blood circulation, also activate your cells, improving their metabolic functions, and balance your automatic nervous system. Also purify your blood, balance its pH, strengthen your immune system, and regulate your body temperature.

How is that possible? There are 380 pieces of 3 different types of stones in Tiens Dream Bio-Energy Health Mattress. These stones are the source of miracle healing power of Tiens Dream:

Germanium is also known as far infra red stone. This is the newly developed FIR Stone. It is produced from a combination of germanium, quartz, feldspar, loess and ceramic. The stone is heated at 1300 degree C using high technology method. After processing, Germanium stone releases higher intensity of F.I.R than other gem stones.

Tourmaline is the highest energy crystal in the world. It has two physical features, namely Pyroelectricity and Plezoelectricity. Pyroelectricity is the condition where Tourmaline carries positive and negative charge under different temperatures. Plezoelectricity is the vertical direction of Tourmaline that meets up two ends and produces negative charge. Such negative charge will be absorbed by molecules in the air and becomes negative ions.

Jade stone is validated as one of the sources of F.I.R. It is widely used in promoting blood circulation, anti-aging, enhancing immunity and relieving fatigue. Besides, examinations showed that jade stone contains lots of important elements such as calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. For thousands of years, jade stone had been used as health accessories by the oriental people. This was recorded in a lot of ancient medical books.

The arrangement of the stones has massaging effect on muscle nerves. It can relieve tiredness, improve air circulation and remove body heat. Its exclusive structure helps improve health while sleeping. For maximum effectiveness, the temperature of the mattress can be regulated by a controller.

Note: The above product was upgraded to this latest model, the Tiens Photon Bio-energy Mattress.

3 Comentários:

Blackdove said...

I enjoy your writings and like the pics. Like you, I'm a toastmaster. Our club's site is at

Maria Luisa Taa Venida said...

To Blackdove,

Thanks a lot for visiting my blog and for your comment. Most of your interests are also my interests, including Toastmastering though I now have a problem attending night meetings since I have a special child. I'm sure I've met some members of your club, most probably in 2004 or 2005. Where is your blog?

Blackdove said...

Hello Maria Luisa,
I admire your resolve to take care of your special child.

Our toastmasters blog is at which is the companion blog of our main website.

My personal blog is at From my resume link, you'd find I'm also in IT.