By sharing my own dreams and by talking about the dreams of others, this blog hopes to inspire you, the readers, to believe in your dream, big or small, a dream house, car, job, travel, business, charity, product, even the impossible dream.

Follow your dream!


Glimpses of my future

In July 2002, my daughter dreamed that I gave birth to a baby girl. A few years before that, I dreamed that I gave birth to a third child, a fair and chink-eyed baby boy with nice teeth.

Both dreams were far from reality because my whole uterus was removed in the year 2000. I can't remember which came first, my surgery or the dream about the chink-eyed baby, but nobody among us in the immediate family was chink-eyed.

What amused my daughter and me was a week after her dream, a baby was born inside our house. Who gave birth is another long story so you may just click this link for that story.

The baby had grown to be Lyca, our special needs child, and I just realized that the chink-eyed baby boy in my dream looked like her, almost like Lyca's photo in this post. The baby in my dream looked like a boy because of the short hair. Does that mean the arrival of that child to my family was part of God's plan several years ago? In my thoughts, I wished for a baby but that was already after my surgery. The dreams in our sleep can bring us to the future but more often than not, we only realize that when that time in the future has come. Why the dream about the child instead of other significant events that may happen? Perhaps because my life will be focused on this child. Life is truly a mystery and only God knows the answers to most of our questions.

I've read in a natural health news that the best alternative therapy for children with cerebral palsy like Lyca is acupuncture and music therapy. I'm glad that we're on the right track, has started doing non-invasive or needleless acupuncture on Lyca and has exposed her to the piano.

Maybe Lyca has a mission in life, or I have a mission in life and Lyca will have a big part in that mission.

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