By sharing my own dreams and by talking about the dreams of others, this blog hopes to inspire you, the readers, to believe in your dream, big or small, a dream house, car, job, travel, business, charity, product, even the impossible dream.

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A rare experience in Greece

The month of July will always remind me of a childhood dream that came true: to travel to Greece. My daughter and I had the opportunity to go to Greece with the chorale of University of Asia and the Pacific, a university in the Philippines, to watch them compete with the European choirs at Preveza which is in Ipirus, Greece, in July 2005.

The whole trip was a rich experience that started with the assembly and getting together of the choirs from the different European countries and the Philippines, before the scheduled parade, which marked the opening ceremony of the contest.

The photos will tell that it was a rare experience any photographer, which was my role during that event, will always treasure. Among the countries who participated in this event were Greece, Philippines, Romania, Latvia, Turkey, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovenia and Bosnia.

The camaraderie among the choirs did not end with the parade. At the end of the contest, a few choirs won prizes, but most choirs won friends from other countries.

1 Comentário:

TOMAS said...

It was fine to read your joy. The wishes became the reality and the blessed are who don't forget that but gratefully appreciate. I am happy to meet you . Thank you for the sharing of your joy