Braces for Lyca - Part 1
My main dream for
Lyca used to be for her to be seizure-free.
Though we don’t notice her experiencing obvious seizures nowadays, that
should still be verified with an EEG she has to undergo soon. I’ve dreamed she
would also be able to walk and talk someday, but I knew those were really big
dreams so maybe I should tackle the “hows” one at a time.
The rehab doctor confirmed that Lyca will need braces for
her legs and another braces for her scoliosis. I will focus my time to
accomplishing these two needs this coming month of April. She will also need a
wheelchair. By the time I write the Part 2 of this post, Lyca should already be
wearing braces. In the meantime, the video here will show Lyca supported by me (in green) throughout their presentation, unlike the other blind kids beside her who could walk
on their own.
Another dream that will help support all our dreams for Lyca
is for us to finally get the right bedspacers for us to have additional regular
income. I'm hoping that can be very soon too.
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