When you stop dreaming
I stopped buying Lotto tickets because I stopped dreaming. But that is only for the meantime because I was bothered by what I thought could be a serious illness for the past 3 weeks. How I was cured was an overwhelming experience I published in my "Amusing Tips" blog and my thoughts are still focused on the said wonderful experience.
What is more satisfying than an instant feeling of wellness after being sick for three weeks? Sometimes one doesn't need to dream to attain something that seem too remote to happen in the immediate future. God will bring you there for another reason, and it could be a reason for you to help another person, not knowing it could be a blessing in disguise.
What is more satisfying than an instant feeling of wellness after being sick for three weeks? Sometimes one doesn't need to dream to attain something that seem too remote to happen in the immediate future. God will bring you there for another reason, and it could be a reason for you to help another person, not knowing it could be a blessing in disguise.
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