A Dream Workplace
Six months ago, I posted about "My Dream Office" which should be in my own house. But for most who are employed in a regular job, working in a common workplace is inevitable. There should be a dream common workplace then, the kind that will help employees live a healthy life. Is that possible?
In Japan, workers in some offices are required to attend the warm up session in the morning before the official working hour starts. But since a dream workplace would like to maximize the health of the employees while in the workplace, other solutions can be worked out.
1. Exposure to sunshine is a must for a person’s health and the best time of exposure that will surely help the body to produce Vitamin D is from 9:30 to 10 in the morning. Eating should not be allowed in the office in the morning, instead, a special canteen without a roof or located at an open field that operates only in the morning should be provided, where snacks may be taken or short meetings may even be conducted . Employees may be scheduled alternately and those scheduled to be at the open field canteen starting at 9:30 A.M. may be motivated with a free snack ticket. When it’s raining, that’s the only time snacks in carts may go to the offices.
2. Thirty minutes before the closing time of the office, all elevators should be switched off and all employees should be required to use the stairs.
3. The main canteen of the office should serve healthy foods only, without any meat. These food should be sold at cheaper prices.
4. Turn on the centralized air condition only during hot seasons. Use electric fans during cool seasons since too cold temperatures can affect a person's health.
5. Employees with no abnormal findings during the Annual P.E. should be rewarded, and if they have ideal weights, their rewards should be doubled.
6. Of course provide gyms with saunas and work-out programs for the employees.
There are more ways than just the above 6. Where to get the funds for such program? Decrease the amount for health insurance to add to the savings in electricity when the centralized air condition and elevators are turned off, and the open field that will not require lights. This is not an original idea, only the ways differ, but that only means that achieving a dream workplace similar to this is not an impossible dream.
In Japan, workers in some offices are required to attend the warm up session in the morning before the official working hour starts. But since a dream workplace would like to maximize the health of the employees while in the workplace, other solutions can be worked out.
1. Exposure to sunshine is a must for a person’s health and the best time of exposure that will surely help the body to produce Vitamin D is from 9:30 to 10 in the morning. Eating should not be allowed in the office in the morning, instead, a special canteen without a roof or located at an open field that operates only in the morning should be provided, where snacks may be taken or short meetings may even be conducted . Employees may be scheduled alternately and those scheduled to be at the open field canteen starting at 9:30 A.M. may be motivated with a free snack ticket. When it’s raining, that’s the only time snacks in carts may go to the offices.
2. Thirty minutes before the closing time of the office, all elevators should be switched off and all employees should be required to use the stairs.
3. The main canteen of the office should serve healthy foods only, without any meat. These food should be sold at cheaper prices.
4. Turn on the centralized air condition only during hot seasons. Use electric fans during cool seasons since too cold temperatures can affect a person's health.
5. Employees with no abnormal findings during the Annual P.E. should be rewarded, and if they have ideal weights, their rewards should be doubled.
6. Of course provide gyms with saunas and work-out programs for the employees.
There are more ways than just the above 6. Where to get the funds for such program? Decrease the amount for health insurance to add to the savings in electricity when the centralized air condition and elevators are turned off, and the open field that will not require lights. This is not an original idea, only the ways differ, but that only means that achieving a dream workplace similar to this is not an impossible dream.
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