By sharing my own dreams and by talking about the dreams of others, this blog hopes to inspire you, the readers, to believe in your dream, big or small, a dream house, car, job, travel, business, charity, product, even the impossible dream.

Follow your dream!


Worldwide health care

Under the arms of the United Nations is a World Health Organization which of course is in charge of the world's health. It was created in 1948, the time when the first batches of baby boomers were born. Though born later, I was a baby boomer and I probably knew the very specific functions of this organization when I was in grade school. But that was long ago, and I can just imagine how hard it was to develop health programs for the whole world. This is the 21st century where everything is possible with the help of modern technology and the internet. The great dream for worldwide health care is possible not only by an organization but even by a single baby boomer.

I admit that I am one of those baby boomers trying to be a messiah to save the health of mankind, in my own little way of sharing whatever I learned about health and wellness. I am aware though that caring for the world's health is not as easy as sharing information through the internet. In my blogs, I share some philosophies of TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine, not knowing who would believe them.

Perhaps the greater dream is for all philosophies of medicine to be integrated, such as Oriental or Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated to Western Medicine. Some might say, that is an impossible dream, but I prefer to base my beliefs on simple observations. For instance, the scrubs which are now worn as medical uniforms in hospitals can easily be the standard uniforms for healthcare. So when one sees a person in scrubs in any part of the world, an instant message is understood: that person's mission is health care.

I've noticed in Wikipedia's definition of health care that it pertains to humans and haven't found the word "animal" in its definitions. In TCM, acupuncture can be applied to animals as well, in fact pet lovers should start learning about it if they really care for their pets. The scrubs can be veterinary scrubs that will send the same message of caring for health though this time it involves animals. Health care includes acupuncture while acupuncture includes the animals, therefore health care should include the animals.

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